Sagara Jayasinghe

Sagara Jayasinghe
 Short term scholar

Sagara Jayasinghe is a practicing architect and a design researcher with a major focus on the areas of Cultural Heritage, Colonialism, Missionary Movements and Church Architecture in Sri Lanka. His practice and research has assisted in preserving numerous colonial heritage facets, especially by documenting and undertaking systematic architectural drawings of church buildings and other liturgical art in Sri Lanka.

Over the last decade, Sagara has been able to disseminate the acquaintance to the community of architecture through several published books, conference papers, public lectures and journal articles on art and architecture in both local and overseas contexts. In 2014, as a beneficiary of of a short term  scholarship of Fundação Oriente, Portugal he was engaged in a much deeper study on religio-cultural affairs of Sri Lanka during the overseas expansions of 16th and 17th centuries.

Because of his research he is now launching the book Remains of Dark Days:  the Architetural Heritage of Oratorian Missionary Churches in Sri Lanka, together wioth portuguese Researchers well known to Fundação Oriente as Arq. Helder Carita.
The book launch will take place in Telheiras church, on  19 July by 19.15 .


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Transtopia - Ana Teresa Vicente